Monday, June 14, 2010

First Day at Lora

Today was the first day we got to teach at the orphanages and overall, I feel like we came away encouraged but also surprised. God has consistently shown us that this trip and the ramifications of it are in no way affected by what we do but completely controlled and known by him. Today was no exception.

I am on the team going to the orphanage in Lora. An illustration of our surprise: the first class we were to teach to was supposed to have 30-40 kids in it and just in the nick of time, 90-100 kids walk in the door. This probably has something to do with the fact that we are teaching not just to the orphans but also to many kids from the surrounding community that come there for school. Remembering that nothing is in our control but all known by God, we just kept going. The attention of the kids is truly amazing and their facial expressions are indicative of how they soak up every word of God they hear. They listened and seemed to have a good time with us, the youngest to the oldest. A man named John, who lives at the orphanage, is translating for us. His enthusiasm is incredible and it's not hard to tell how much he loves the kids.

We taught today how God is holy. To explain this, we used the story of creation, how Adam and Eve sinned, and how that sin separated us from him. God being holy and perfect, he is always separate from sin. I would ask that you pray that this lesson penetrates the kids' hearts and that God would reveal to them his holiness.

Today was the also the first time we actually got to just play with the kids at Lora, which was great and needed. We got to spend time with them, throwing a tennis ball around, playing with a jump rope, playing duck duck goose, and really just getting to know them a bit.

We were very encouraged by John when he told us as we were leaving, "I will remember today." Please pray that God would use today to bring the kids more comprehension of his unending love for them.

In him,

Ross Chehayeb


  1. Excited to hear about the kids God brought to hear the teaching! Praying for all of you!

  2. Praying for you! So proud of you Justin! I love you baby! Please stay safe and stay healthy! We all love and miss you baby! Love you so much!
