Saturday, June 12, 2010

3 days in Sudan

Hello! We are so sorry for the delay in posting, but we've had some technical difficulties. We are finishing our third day in Sudan!

We arrived Thursday around noon, and the plane ride here was great. We enjoyed some rest that day. Friday the whole team went to Lura Orphanage to play with the kids and introduce ourselves. Kim G, Kalin, Chelsea, Kristen, Ross, and Justin will be there next week. Then today, we went to Morobo orphanage to play and get to know the kids there. Amy, Stephanie, Hannah, Kim D, and Drew will be there next week.

The van rides have been long and VERY bumpy, but everything is worth it when we get there. We have LOVED being with the kids, and been so encouraged by their faith. We can't wait to start teaching about who God is on Monday.

Please pray for us as we sabbath tomorrow, and prepare for a week of teaching. We will be talking about how God is holy, just, loving, and victorious, and will be using Bible stories to show those things. Pray that ultimately they will know Christ and the Gospel in their hearts.

We can't wait to spend the week with them! Love you all and hope you're doing well!

- the team


  1. Thank you so very much...this email was a banquet for my eyes!! Give my child, Amy Miller, a hug from me and her Nonnie....we are so thankful for your servant hearts...pass that hug around to the children at Morobo and Lura...
    Remember Children of the King...God is in the details.....fret to all...Geri Brooks

  2. Wonderful news! Much love to you all and to the sweet children of Sudan! My prayers are with you daily and throughout the day! We love you Aunt Amy - hugs & kisses Nick and Marley! :)
